Active School Travel 2013
Christmas Events
Tennyson Christmas Bows
Tennis Parking Permits Reminder
Norman Creek 2012-2031
Safety Upgrade for Annerley Junction
Who is Wal Costello?
Busineses Grant
 Useful Links:

Tai Chi Qigong in the Park

Sundays 8am
14 Oct - Dec 16

Robinson Park

Click here for more information

Yeronga Community Centre

Monday - Thursday
3848 2285

Bread for Donation

Ducklings Playgroup
Weds 9:30am

Seniors Catch up
Tues 9am

Quilting Group
Thurs 11am

Mudlarks: Women’s Gathering
Last Thursday of the month

Gonewalking Groups

Annerley Amblers

Tues & Thurs 7:30am
Yeronga Park, Yeronga

Yeronga Dolphins
Tues & Thurs 6am
Yeronga Park, Yeronga

Ethiopian Women Association
Sun 8am
Yeronga Park, Yeronga

Click here for more information

Babies, Books and Rhymes
Mondays 10:30am
Annerley Library
Wednesdays 11am
Fairfield Library
Click here for more information

Children's Storytime

Tuesdays 10:30am
Annerley Library
Fridays 11am
Fairfield Library
Click here for more information

Toddler Time
Thursdays 11am
Fairfield Library
Click here for more information

Chat n Choose

Thurs 10am
Annerley Baptist Church

For more info click here or call 3848 8500

Women's Swimming Programme

17 Nov-1 Dec

Yeronga Swimming Pool

Click here for more information

Aqua Aerobics for Women

17 Nov-15 Dec

Yeronga Swimming Pool

Click here for more information

Social Networking: Facebook*

Fri 16 Nov
Fairfield Library

Click here for more information

8 week weight loss challenge

19 Nov - 17 Dec

Fehlberg Park, Fairfield

Click here for more information

Exotic and unusual vegetables to grow at home*

Sat 17 Nov

Fairfield Library

Click here for more information

Introduction to mobile phones (part three)*

Mon 19 Nov

Annerley Library

Click here for more information

Paper Bag Pets*

Tues 20 Nov

Annerley library

Click here for more information

Fairfield Writers Group

Sat 24 Nov

Fairfield Library

Click here for more information

Corinda Movies in the Park

Sat 24 Nov

Corinda State School Oval
Cliveden Ave, Corinda

Movie: TinTin

Brisbane International Film Festival

Click here for more information

Introduction to text messaging (SMS)*

Mon 26 Nov

Annerley Library

Click here for more information

Fairfield Book Investigators*

Wed 28 Nov

Fairfield Library

Click here for more information

Google Genealogy*

Thurs 29 Nov

Fairfield Library

Click here for more information

Blue Light Dance Party

30 Nov & 14 Dec

Marymac Community Centre

Click here for more information

Christmas in the City

30 Nov-24 Dec

Queen Street Mall and throughout the city

Click here for more information

Annerley Junction Fair

Sat 8 Dec
10am - 2pm

Annerley Junction
Cnr Ipswich Rd and Annerley Rd, Annerley

IGA Lord Mayor's Carols in the City

Sat 8 Dec

BYO: Picnic Rug
Click here for more information

Items marked with * require bookings.

Contact the relevant library or
3403 8888.

Queensland Police - Hoon Hotline
131 666
Hi Everyone

A big thank you to the Annerley traders who are putting on a Christmas inspired street fair.  I am delighted to support the inaugural Annerley Junction Fair and I encourage everyone to come along on Saturday, 8 December from 10am for fabulous food, best retro dressed competition, market stalls, buskers, raffles and prizes.  Bring the family and come along to support our local community and businesses.

The Lord Mayor has announced that the City Plan will be revised by Council during a week of sittings between 26 and 30 November. City Plan is the document that guides where and what type of development can occur in Brisbane.  As yet the Lord Mayor has not provided the plan to me or other Councillors so I don’t know what is in it.  I will release a special update when further details are known. Public consultation is planned for 2013, but again no dates have been advised as yet. I urge all residents to participate in the consultation process as the City Plan sets the density, zoning and development rules for our local area.  I will keep residents updated as more information comes to hand.

Christmas is almost upon us and there are a great range of free local events coming up in the next few weeks.  Check out the What’ s On calendar for all the details.

Regards, Nicole.

Ps Canned and non-perishable goods for needy families this Christmas are being collected outside Coles, Fairfield.


Congratulations to Mary Immaculate Catholic Primary School and Graceville State School who have been selected to participate in Council's Active School Travel programme in 2013. 

The year long programme aims to:

  • reduce congestion around schools
  • encourage active travel to school by foot, bike, scooter, bus or train
  • teach road safety
  • encourage children to be fit and healthy
  • reduce greenhouse emissions
  • deliver new resources such as bike racks and cages. 

"I have actively worked with several schools this year including Christ the King and Corinda State School and Junction Park State School, who are part of Council's legacy programme."

"I was delighted to support the application and know that the programme will offer great skills and activities for all students. I look forward to working with the school and families next year to host breakfasts and competitions to encourage participation," Cr Johnston said.

It's that time of the year again; time to dust off the  Christmas decorations and get out to enjoy the festive season.

Lighting of the Brisbane City Christmas Tree

King George Square at 6.45pm on Friday 30 November for the annual tradition of the lighting of the Brisbane City Christmas Tree.

Join Brisbane’s Lord Mayor, Santa and a host of special guests, including Damien Leith, as they bring to life Australia’s largest solar-powered Christmas Tree. The tree will shine every night until Christmas Eve, so make sure you pop by with your family to catch a glimpse.

IGA Lord Mayor's Carols in the City

Botanic Gardens’ Riverstage on Saturday 8 December.

Headline artists this year include Troy Cassar-Daley, Paulini, Debra Byrne, Colin Buchanan and New Empire.

Whatever you plan to do this Christmas, don’t miss this night of entertainment for the whole family. And make sure you pack your picnic rug!

Tennyson residents are again planning to decorate the suburbs trees with big red bows to celebrate the Christmas spirit.

The bows are proposed to be tied on your footpath tree, fence or gate from 10 December 2012.

A sample of the red bow fabric can be seen in the Tennyson Ward office. Material can be purchased from Spotlight, Indooroopilly (approx. $3.50/m) under the name of Gay Crebert: Tennyson.

If you would like further information, don't hesitate to contact Merril on 3848 2833 or Gay on 3848 2367.



The Brisbane International Tennis Tournament is on again from 30 December 2012 - 6 January 2013 at the Queensland Tennis Centre, Tennyson.

Parking restrictions will be in place along the nearby residential streets in Tennyson, Yeronga and Yeerongpilly.

Local residents and their visitors are eligible for parking permits and can park at anytime. Please display your permit in the car window. Fines will be issued to people who park illegally.

Click here to download the parking permit application form. Forms are also available at my office at Farifield Gardens, 180 Fairfield Road, Fairfield.

If you know people coming to the tennis, please encourage them to use public transport with the Yeerongpilly Station on the Beenleigh line the closest stop. Shuttle buses will also run from Corinda Station to the tennis centre.

NORMAN CREEK 2012-2031

Brisbane City Council has recently released the Norman Creek 2012-2031 Draft Master Plan, which covers parts of Annerley in Tennyson Ward.

There will be community information displays  at the following locations:

  • 19 -22 November - Carindale Library, 1151 Creek Rd, Carindale
  • Friday 23 November - Majestic Park, Eva St, Cooparoo (Movies in the park, sausage sizzle and face painting); and 
  • 27-30 November - Holland Park Library, 81 Seville Rd, Holland Park.

Click here to veiw the Norman Creek 2012-2031 Draft Master Plan or call 3403 8888 to request a copy.


A quick update on the work to improve safety at Annerley Junction. As you know work is underway by Council to improve safety at the signalised pedestrian crossing. 

I have also written to the State Government calling for a red light camera to be installed at this traffic intersection. 

Residents regularly report accidents and near misses to me. I am advised by the Main Roads Minister that the crossing is not in the top 200 hot spots but has been listed for a future red light camera.  If you notice an incident or near miss please ensure it is recorded by sending me an email noting the day, time and type of incident.  I will ensure this information is passed onto Council and the police to add further weight to the case for a red light camera!


Many years ago the Fairfield Skate Park was officially named the Wal Costello Skate Park after Mr Wal Costello.

Wal was the head of Fairfield Neighbourhood Watch and was a tireless community volunteer who walked around the neighbourhood everyday picking up rubbish and keeping our suburbs tidy.

The missing sign was recently replaced in honour of his contribution to our community.

I'm disappointed to say that it has been recently graffitied. I urge all people in our community to keep an eye on this sign and pay respect to a resident who did so much for our community.


Brisbane City Council is calling for small busineses to apply for the Suburban Businesses Crime Prevention Grant Programme.

The Grant provides funds to suburban businesses for projects or services that will help deter crime and improve community safety in their local suburb and community.

To be eligible, you must be a registered small business or a consortium of small businesses, Chamber of Commerce or small business Body Corporate provided that the primary purpose of the grant application is to benefit community safety in the public realm and be situated within the Brisbane City area.

Funding amounts range from $1,000 to $10,000.

The current round for applications is now open. Submissions close at midnight Monday, 26 November 2012.

Click here for more information.