Learning to manage ourselves during times of stress and unpredictability are
critical skills. The Australian Curriculum articulates this learning in the following way:
with well-developed social and emotional skills find it easier to manage themselves, relate to others,
develop resilience and a sense of self-worth, resolve conflict, engage in teamwork, and feel positive
about themselves and the world around them. (ACARA)
So, rather than pretend that conflict,
doubt, and uncertainty are not part of 'normal' life, we must actively teach boys how to respond to such
everyday challenges. Wrapping our children in 'cotton wool' by trying to shield them from negative
experiences can deprive them of the very lessons that will serve them well throughout life.
some of the silver lining in our shared COVID-19 experiences will be some useful lessons in developing
greater personal and social capability as we work towards a new normal.
As we approach the end
of this week when all EREA schools have returned across Australia, please CLICK
HERE to view a communication to all of our parents and caregivers from Dr Wayne Tinsey, EREA Executive
Being Men for Others
A few weeks ago, a parent attending one
of our Principal's Tours asked me what we do to help boys become men for others. It was a great
question and I was happy to provide a couple of examples of the types of projects boys undertake to make
a positive difference in the world. Today's Beanie Day for Motor Neurone Disease is the latest example
of such initiatives.
In the midst of our daily routine, the beanies both remind us of the
needs of those who suffer and give us the opportunity to contribute to the research efforts through our
donations. Congratulations to our Prefects for their enthusiasm, commitment, and extra effort to
give us this chance to be men and women for others this week.
Best wishes for the week ahead.
Brian Schumacher