AVATAR goes global!  In
recognition of its growing international profile and collaborations, the Australian Vascular Access Teaching
and Research (AVATAR) group, led by Professor Claire Rickard (Griffith University) has been rebranded
the Alliance for Vascular Access Teaching and Research (still AVATAR) group. This group now includes researchers,
clinicians, educators and industry from Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the United States of America.
All AVATAR-ians are committed to scientific work to improve hospital and home care vascular access practices,
to rigorously and independently test new products, and to promote global networks of vascular access researchers.
OMG study update
You may be aware that the OMG study is shaping up to be the largest
clinical benchmarking study ever undertaken with peripheral cannulas. The study aims to compare the current
state of peripheral intravascular device use and practices from hospitals across the world. The study
is independent of any manufacturer and be rest assured that raw data will not be provided to any commercial
entity or employee. However we gratefully acknowledge the support of our industry colleagues in publicising
the study among their networks, and in providing funds to support some of our costs in running this large
international study.
Principal Investigator: Evan Alexandrou
Research Coordinator:
Gillian Ray-Barruel
Malaysia AVATARians
Calling all Malaysian intravascular device researchers & clinicians
- Dr Azlina Daud is lecturer in nursing at the International Islamic University of Malaysia. As a recent
PhD graduate, she is interested in developing a vascular access research collaboration within Malaysia,
to encourage and develop best practice for intravascular device insertion and management. Her previous
areas of interest in research include the frequency of administration set replacement, randomized controlled
trials and systematic reviews.
If you are interested in developing a collaboration - please email
Azlina on daamia@iium.edu.my