Adrian Schrinner's May 2010 e-News Update
Chat with the Lord
Mayor at Westfield Carindale
Mayor Campbell Newman and Councillor Adrian Schrinner will set up a Mobile Ward Office for shoppers at
Westfield Carindale this Saturday, 22 May. Councillor Newman said the event was a great opportunity for local residents to have
their say on issues affecting the local community. The Mobile Office will be held between
10 am and 12 noon near the food court on the upper level. Councillor Schrinner said it
was great that the Lord Mayor was always willing to set aside time in his busy schedule to visit the local
area. "The Lord Mayor loves chatting to people and is out and about at shopping centres and community
events across the city on most weekends," Cr Schrinner said. Back
to Top Opening of Brisbane's First
Doggy Theme Park
Local pooches will be given a special treat with the official opening of Brisbane's
first themed playground for dogs at Cribb Road, Carindale. Councillor Adrian Schrinner said the special equipment would serve as a custom-made
obstacle course for dogs and included a range of unique features such as:
- Dog agility walk involving raised paw-shaped step pads
- 1.8m long bone-shaped balance
- 6 bone-shaped weave poles (0.9m high)
- "Burning building" with a window for dogs to
jump through
- Jump walls (set of 3 at different heights)
- 3.6m dog walk ramp with a tunnel
Cr Schrinner is inviting residents and dog owners to the theme park's official
opening on Sunday, 30 May between 9am and 11am. "This is a very unique dog park,
which I know will be very popular with local dog-lovers," he said. "They say every dog has their
day and that day is Sunday 30 May," Cr Schrinner said. According to Councillor Schrinner, the special
themed equipment was manufacturer from recycled plastic here in Southeast Queensland. "Not only
is the theme park great for dogs, it's also great for the environment by making use of recycled materials."
Cr Schrinner said that a number of local dog-related businesses will be setting-up stalls on the day
and there'll be a FREE sausage sizzle too. The Cribb Road Dog Park is located at
UBD Map 182, Reference D15. Back to Top
Capalaba West suburb Name Change
The suburb of Capalaba West has officially been discontinued and amalgamated with the suburb of Chandler.
Although Capalaba
West was located in the City of Brisbane, its name inferred a connection to Capalaba, in the City of Redlands.
A number of local residents contacted my office requesting that the name be changed,” Councillor
Schrinner said. "After surveying residents and receiving strong support
for the change, I asked the State Government to consider amalgamating Capalaba West with Chandler," he
said. The State Government also initiated their own consultation process and no objections to the
change were received. Copies of the updated map of the suburb of Chandler can be obtained by
clicking here or by phoning (07) 3406 2546. Council Invests to Save Koalas
City Council has secured another seven hectares of privately owned bushland in Burbank in a bid to help
protect Brisbane’s dwindling koala population. The property situated at 565 Prout Road, Burbank is close to the Leslie Harrison Dam
and will become part of a regional wildlife corridor extending from the Bayside Parklands to Daisy Hill
State Forest. Councillor Adrian Schrinner said the Lord Mayor was now more than halfway towards
delivering his election promise to buy back 500 hectares of bushland over four years. “
This corridor is all part of Council’s plan to keep Brisbane’s green cover above 40 per cent.”
Cr Schrinner said. So far this financial year, Lord Mayor Campbell Newman has purchased and
protected 108 hectares of bush and parkland, including a number of properties in Burbank and Chandler.
Since the Bushland Acquisition Program began, $96 million has been spent across Brisbane saving
bushland, including $43 million locally in the Chandler Ward. The Chandler Ward forms a key
part of our city’s green belt and we are continuing to invest in protecting and expanding the network
of local conservation parks, Cr Schrinner said. “Local suburbs like Chandler, Burbank,
Gumdale, and Belmont are the green lungs of our city.” “They help keep our air
clean and they provide a home for wildlife such as Koalas, Wallabies and countless other native animals
and birds,” he said. Back to Top
Rochedale State School kicks a Golden
Congratulations to Rochedale State School for winning Brisbane City Council’s Active School Travel
'Golden Boot' award in March 2010.
Councillor Adrian Schrinner said the school had the highest active travel participation rate of all
schools across Brisbane in March with around 82% of students either walking, riding their bikes, carpooling
or catching the bus to school each week.
“Congratulations to the students, their parents
and teachers who participated in this wonderful program. There are so many benefits with children learning
about road rules and safety as well as encouraging students to be fit and healthy.”
Schrinner presented Rochedale State School students with the award at a School assembly in April. Back to Top S.O.S. - Seniors Online Security
The Carindale PCYC, Queensland Police Service, SuperGeek and Westpac
Bank cordially invites senior citizens to attend
a FREE information session
on improving your knowledge, skills and confidence when using the Internet.  Wednesday
26th May 2010, 9am - 12pm, Carina Leagues Club, Creek Rd & Stanley Rd, Carina,
4152. Presentations by: Detective Senior Constable Graeme Edwards, Qld Police
Service, Fraud Squad. Dr. Cassandra Cross, Qld Police Service, Research Analyst, Crime Prevention
Unit. Ms. Melissa Clarke, Bank Manager, Westpac Bank, Carindale. Mr. Chris Moffat, Director,
SuperGeek. Morning Tea will be provided. To register your bookings please contact the
Carindale PCYC on (07) 3324 9652.
to Top St John's Carindale Get "Kitted
St John’s Ambulance Carindale Division recently purchased 12 new fully equipped first aid bags
with the assistance of a grant from the Lord Mayor’s Suburban Initiative Fund and Councillor Adrian
Schrinner. The
first aid kids will be available for members of St John’s Ambulance to use at community events in
the local area.
The 12 additional kits bring a much-needed boost to the supply as previously one
large kit had to be shared amongst all community events. “I was delighted to support this
request from St John’s Carindale and I hope the kits will help save lives,” Councillor Schrinner
said. “I would like to congratulate St John’s Ambulance Carindale on receiving the funds
for this extremely worthwhile initiative and thank them for their valuable contribution to our local community,”
he said. Back To Top Works bridge
gap in Bulima Creek Bikeway Lord Mayor Campbell Newman continues to bridge the gaps in the Bulimba Creek Bikeway
network, with work now underway on the two new creek crossings at Carindale. Local
Councillor Adrian Schrinner said Council was building a new 650 metre shared pathway and two bridges linking
an existing bikepath in Edwards Park (adjacent to Piccadilly Place) to Scrub Road.
He said the Piccadilly
Place pathway had for a long time been cut off by Bulimba Creek, however local residents would now be
able to ride straight through to Scrub Road via a 56 metre steel bridge and a 13.5 metre culvert crossing
across the creek. It would then link up the back entrance to the Citipointe Christian College, he
said. Cr Schrinner said the $1.85 million Bulimba Creek Bikeway project was part of the Lord Mayor’
s quadrupling of spending on new bikeways to a record $100 million this term. Cr Schrinner said
construction on the bikeway was expected to finish in mid 2010. Back
to Top Calling all Senior
Age is no barrier when it comes to talent!
Senior Superstars is a talent quest for singers, dancers, musicians, comedians, poets, ventriloquists
and contortionists aged 50 and over. Solos, duos, trios, quartets and troupes are encouraged to
enter. Both professionals and those who have never been on stage before are welcome to audition.  Details
of the nearest Senior Superstars heat, a concert open to the public, are: When:
2.00pm on Sunday 4 July, 2010Where: Coopraroo RSL Club,
45 Holdsworth Street,
To register your interest, please call Council on (07) 3403 8888. For
further details click here to visit the Senior
Superstar website.